Thursday 19 March 2020


How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

This blog post covers:

  • Tutorials for different FCPX tools
  • The Prelim and Microdrama
  • Our sample scenes
  • The journey



  • Find an website where you can download fonts
  • Find the font you want to use
  • Click download
  • Make sure the font is a True Type Font (ttf)
  • Double click on the file and then press 'Install Font'
  • Make sure Final Cut Pro is closed
  • Open Final Cut Pro
  • Drag in a title
  • Change font to the one just downloaded



  • Find a sound effect on YouTube
  • Copy the URL of the video
  • Change the video to mp3 using a website
  • Import sound into Final Cut Pro and use



  • Find a green screen video on Youtube (or film something in front of a green screen)
  • Copy URL of the video
  • Download video
  • Import video into Final Cut Pro
  • Drag effect keyer onto green screen clip



  • In Final Cut Pro, press on window (top left)
  • Click record voice over
  • Make sure you can see where you want to put the voice over


To help put these tips and tricks into place, we did a Prelim practice and a Microdrama.  We created call sheets and did some preparation for both of these.










How we worked as a group:

  • I think it was quite difficult to work as a group as we all had such strong ideas of what we wanted to do.  
  • As we haven't ever worked together as a group, I think we weren't doing great because we weren't used to each other's ways of working.
What could have been better:
  • I think we could have listened a little bit more to each other as we could have worked better together.  

Here are the first and last sample scenes Spikey Productions and I have created:





Spikey films:





I think there is a clear improvement in these examples.  We improved each of our sample scenes by getting audience feedback and tweaking it.



Here are the behind the scenes for our shoot 1:


How we worked as a group:
  • I think we worked a lot better than the times doing the prelim and microdrama.
  • We were all more used to how to utilise a camera and how to direct so it went a lot smoother.  
  • As it was a long 2 days of filming, I think we were all a bit tired of each other at the end of it but we came together and pulled through and I'm proud of us. 

A timeline of my experiences:
  • As I had some experience from doing media in GCSE, I knew how to use DSLR, however I was a bit rusty.
  • We started by shooting handheld and we didn't use a single tripod in our Prelim and Microdrama
  • We did a lot of panning and tracking shots which meant that the footage wasn't very still.
  • We found out how to use FCPX, with the greenscreen, SFX, fonts and voice overs.
  • We pitched our first idea for the film opening
  • Scrapped that idea and pitched the second one
  • We did a moodboard and showed the primary and secondary target audience.
  • We researched the conventions of different genres then specifically on the zom-rom-com hybrid genre.
  • We look at different theories, including Carrol Clover's final girl and the opposing Laura Mulvey's male gaze
  • We went location scouting
  • We made a call sheet
  • We gathered props
  • We did awesome makeup!
  • We began filming, and re-shooting many times so we didn't miss anything
  • We used different equipment
  • We began editing
  • We experimented with different editing styles
  • We got audience feedback and carried on editing to fit the feedback
  • We found some issues with the sound
  • We re-recorded sound
  • We experimented with fonts and FCPX effects
  • We created idents
  • We produced out film opening!

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