Thursday 19 March 2020


This blog post covers:

  • Our original ideas
  • The cover
  • How it went in our first rough cut
Our original idea for the soundtrack was to have pre-existing music.  However, we didn't know how to go about it.  Louis made a short piece for when the central protagonist is outside, on Garageband.


We then realised we wanted to intertexualise Shaun of the Dead and in the opening, there is Ghost Town by The Specials playing in the bar so we scrapped Louis' music.



The song itself works really well with a horror comedy hybrid genre, as the song is quite ominous but the lyrics are very ironic to the oblivious character and foreshadow later events.  We decided to ask a music teacher and her family if they could recreate an instrumental version of this song and this is what they produced.  Although a more "rock-y" version of this song would be a lot better, we realised that was on our part for not providing as much denotation as we should have.  I still think this version works quite well though.


We won't be using this over the entire opening but rather in smaller parts.  Our first rough cut had a little too much of this playing over parts where it is unnecessary:
The music comes in at quite an awkward time so we will start it a little earlier
We want to use it over the part where the protagonist is singing in the shower and when he is wearing his headphones outside.  The instrumental works as the protagonist can sing over it.  We took the headphones inspiration from Baby Driver (Wright, 2017) with the inner diegetic music.


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