Thursday 19 March 2020


How did you integrate technologies - software, hardware and online - in this project?

This blog post covers:

  • How we integrated technologies in this project
  • Disruption, digitisation and convergence



Hello it's Scope Productions here and I'm going to discuss the different, software, hardware and online resources I used as well as how I engaged with audiences online.

First of all, at the beginning of this year, the first thing we did was set up a blogger account.  We got to edit it how we wanted and as I chose the name Scope Productions, I wanted to have a scope background.  Once we did that, we made all of the links lists down the side, including labels, DB blogs, Box office analysis by the Guardian in the UK, the US and globally.  We used these different blogs and websites for a lot of our research.  We also added our top bar which had all of my groups blogs at the time.  We changed some of the settings so that our comments would be moderated and we would add hyperlinks on some of our posts.  After some contemplation, I decided to make my blog a bit cleaner by having fewer posts so I created a new one and transferred the old blogs over.  I decided to keep everything else about it the same as I was really happy with the look of my old one.  

I used instagram to promote the tile product which is featured in our film opening.  This was because we saw many examples of tie-ins.  I also used instagram to create a story where i could receive questions to answer one of my posts.  Spikey Films used TikTok as his social media.  

We were introduced to FCPX early on in the year to get the grips of it as it can seem quite complicated at the start.  I learnt many different things, such as, how to use greenscreen, import fonts and create titles, do a voice over and import and use sound effects.  For fonts, we downloaded true type fonts from the internet.  These were all vital things to learn at the start to help with creating our film opening.  I did struggle with the creating of a library and events but soon got the hang of it.  We also learnt how to key frame.

Our media group collectively used snapchat as we were most active on that platform.  We created a group called Media Y12 and used it very often to discuss different concerns or achievements.  This was very helpful for all of us.  I also used snapchat to link some videos or surveys and put them on my story.

I used slideshare a significant amount throughout this time and it was very useful.  It is such an easy platform to use and it made my blog so much more user friendly.

I think I used youtube the most out of everything.  Every-time i filmed something i made sure i posted it on there.  I would then copy the embedded link and upload it to a blog post.  I found that youtube was one of the easiest ways to share my videos onto my blog.  I also used youtube to search up greenscreen videos or sound effects to download and use.  With this I also used youtube to mp3 or youtube to mp4 to download the videos or sounds.

I used powerpoint and word a lot.  I found that it was an easy, sleek way of presenting information which could easily be put on my blog with slideshare.  

Survey monkey is a website where you can set up your own surveys.  To help figure out confirm our predictions of our target audience, I created a short video showing 3 different videos, audio clips or pictures from either a movie/TV show and then asked people to answer the survey.  This helped a lot for us.

We collectively used Teams a lot as a way to discuss our ideas and thoughts.

To screen record some of my tutorial episodes i used quicktime which was a quick and effective way.

We did a lot of research on IMDb and BoxOfficeMojo as well as looking at previous coursework.

When it came to our film opening, we had quite bad audio so I also used voice memos on my iphone to re-record.

I used giphy quite a lot to make my blogs a bit more interesting and visually pleasing.

Currently to create this, i will be using the keyer effect on FCPX as well as taking screenshots with the shortcut cmd + shift +3 or 4 which i searched for on chrome.

As hardware goes, we used DSLRs, however for our film opening we used an iPhone 11.  We used large and mini tripods with the phone adapter.  I mainly used my Macbook Pro to edit and do most of my blogging.  I also often used my phone when I wasn't in reach of my laptop.  I did some of my research through reading books such as Studying Horror Genre by Bryan Turnock which we bought from Amazon.  To film this right now, I'm using my iPhone 11 and I will be editing this video on my macbook pro.

Digitisation, disruption and convergence

  • Digitisation is the process of change that is moving away from analogue to digital
    • We filmed our film opening on a phone instead of a DLSR
  • Disruption is the consequence of digitisation and the impact of it on media industries
  • Convergence is the barrier between things disappearing or blurring
    • A phone was originally used to call with, but now the gap between producer and audience is blurring as a phone can film with 4k quality.  

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