Monday 2 March 2020


This blog post covers:

  • Our prelim
  • The preparation and call sheet for the prelim
  • FCPX exercises
  • Our microdrama
  • The preparation and call sheet for the microdrama
  • Practice shoots


This Prelim was to help us with getting used to using Final Cut Pro X.  We could be as creative as we wanted as it was just to help us get to grips with FCPX.  We explored the use of titlessound and editing.  For the titles, we typed up what we wanted to say and copied and pasted it to put over the top in red so it appears to have a shadow.  We also downloaded the font from the internet.  For sound, we found a useful sound, both for the background and the explosion, on youtube and converted it to an mp3.  We also did a voiceover at the end.  For the editing, we attempted to create a match-on-action cut with the door opening as well as the conversation.  We also found a green screen video of an explosion on youtube, converted it to an mp4 and imported that into FCPX.  We transformed it until it was where we wanted it to be and then added the keyer effect.






  • Find an website where you can download fonts
  • Find the font you want to use
  • Click download
  • Make sure the font is a True Type Font (ttf)
  • Double click on the file and then press 'Install Font'
  • Make sure Final Cut Pro is closed
  • Open Final Cut Pro
  • Drag in a title
  • Change font to the one just downloaded
  • Find a sound effect on YouTube
  • Copy the URL of the video
  • Change the video to mp3 using a website
  • Import sound into Final Cut Pro and use
  • Find a green screen video on Youtube (or film something in front of a green screen)
  • Copy URL of the video
  • Download video
  • Import video into Final Cut Pro
  • Drag effect keyer onto green screen clip
  • In Final Cut Pro, press on window (top left)
  • Click record voice over
  • Make sure you can see where you want to put the voice over

This video is a microdrama in which our media class made to put our Final Cut Pro knowledge to use.  We wanted to make the storyline as silly as possible and took inspiration from a previous year's microdrama.  It was a lot of fun to make.







This video is a practice shoot of a possible location, my living room.  I used my dog to play Donnie's character so I could move the lights so I could get the best possible lighting.  The lighting it my living room is quite good, however, I think we're going to use a professional LED light as well. The acoustics were fine, obviously besides the music playing in the background and I think the table gives us a lot of things to work with when it comes to mise-en-scene.






I don't like the kitchen idea as much.  I think that our character would make his life as easy as possible by having everything he needs right beside him in the living room.  I also think that my kitchen doesn't really reflect the character as it's very spacious and quite modern.  It is also quite difficult to go about things in this kitchen due to the many different reflective surfaces.  The windows don't help because even though they give a great amount of light, it could make our character under-exposed if he stands in front of them.





I think this bathroom is a likely contender for our film opening.  Although there would be a slight struggle with the space, I think we could make it work.  We would definitely need to take into consideration the amount of reflective surfaces.  If we do film in here, we would need to make sure that none of the crew are seen.  Although this is a problem, I don't think it would require a complicated solution.  Another thing we would need to take into account is the acoustics.  The bathroom is relatively echoey but I can imagine there is a solution to that in post-production.




1 comment:

DB said...

Check: you've used LARGEST for main sub-heads like PRELIM.
Use more distinctive (eg colouring, highlight) options to make those stand out
Add a clear IN THIS POST intro, LISTING whats in the post with a short sentence or 2 on what this shows
Use this as clearer guide for the Eval Q3; for each practice prod add a sub-heading of COMPARISON TO PREVIOUS PRACTICE + just bullet list key points. You've then get a nice easy list for that eval Q.
SUMMARY Again, this is as much to help with the eval Q3. Reflect on how you've developed; a short overview.